When I started doing research for my play LEAVING THE BLUES I realised that I would be creating a good bit of it from my own head. Hunter's one biography is a bit sparse, especially when it comes to her love life in general and her long term relationship with Lottie Tyler. And I found only one picture!
I searched on the internet and in libraries but found very little. And in some ways that was a gift because it meant I could be as creative as needed to make the dramatic action work.
Lottie Tyler
I did find a website (see below*)that asked the
same question I had: Where was the info on
Lottie Tyler?
She was the niece of a very famous song
and dance man, Bert Williams, but there was so little it could have only been a deliberate effort to hide her and her life; perhaps by her family; perhaps by writers not ready to explore lesbian relationships. The only way I found more info was in conversations with the late music journalist Chris Albertson, who'd been a friend of Alberta's at the end of her life
Joy Sudduth

With this production by TOSOS at The Flea (performances start on January 16, 2020) the role of Lettie (based on Lottie) Alberta's lover is play by the amazing Joy Sudduth. Joy was electrifying in our earlier production of "Waiting for Giovanni." I eagerly anticipate no less in LEAVING THE BLUES next week! Once characters are alive inside of us their memories never fade and the terrorism that made them invisible can't be repeated!
LEAVING THE BLUES performs at THE FLEA -January 16th-February 8th.
Get tickets: https://www.tososnyc.org/events/leaving-the-blues
Please enjoy our Leaving the Blues playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1b1qXMMW7QeFJOb5GsNlXD?si=wwofVsV4SwOdeZEqlEWQrw
This is so exciting! Don't miss it!! This play about Alberta Hunter runs from January 16 - February 8, 2020 at The Flea, an important theater for new works in NYC.